This blog explores affirmations you can say to balance, align, open and un-block any of the chakras, so that you can fully experience the ease of life flowing through you.
The Basics
"Chakra" is a Sanskrit word for spinning wheel or disk, representing a spiritual energy center in the body.

When these energy centers are open, aligned and balanced, we experience the ease of life flowing through us.
When they are blocked, out of alignment or out of balance, we experience dis-ease of life flowing through us.
Each of the 7 main chakras has a general location in the body (moving from the base of the spine, up through the top of the head), a color, an earth element, crystals, yoga positions and even a sound associated with it. There are emotional, physical, and spiritual attributes and ways the balanced or un-balanced chakra may show up in our lives.
As one increases awareness of, movement in and openness to a chakra, there is an opportunity to deepen in personal healing, self-understanding and empowerment to show up fully in the world. Chakras offer a doorway to expanded healing and wholeness.
Here I give an overview of each chakra, along with the location in the body, the color associated with it and what you may experience when the chakra is Open/Balanced or Block/Out of Balance. I also share an affirmation you can use to support opening each chakra.
As you increase awareness of, movement in and openness to a chakra, there is an opportunity to deepen in personal healing, self-understanding and empowerment to show up fully in the world.

The Root of the Cause
1st Chakra
Location: base of the Spine, perineum (think: pelvic floor)
Color Association: Red
When it is Open and Balanced: You know you are safe, belong, and have a right to take up space in the world. You feel grounded and at home in your body/family/community.
If it is Blocked or Out of Balance: You may struggle to believe that others care about you, to connect internally or externally, or to trust that you are safe and secure. You function from a place of survival, being easily triggered to fight, take flight, freeze or collapse.
Root Chakra Affirmations to Support Opening: I exist. I am safe. I belong. I take up the just right amount of space that I need to grow and thrive.

Sacral Chakra
2nd Chakra
Location: Just below your belly button
Color Association: Orange
When it is Open and Balanced: You are conscious and present to your sensuality, desires and creativity. You know your emotions are good and can be expressed in healthy ways. You easily release anything that no longer serves you.
If it is Blocked or Out of Balance: You may distrust your gut feelings or make your sexual desires bad or wrong. You may struggle to embrace your natural creativity or hold too tightly to something which is no longer nourishing your life.
Sacral Chakra Affirmations to Support Opening: I am creative. I trust myself. I courageously let go of what no longer serves me. I authentically express my emotions.

Your Powerhouse
3rd Chakra
Location: Solar Plexus (above your belly button & below your sternum)
Color Association: Yellow
When it is Open and Balanced: You approach life from a place of grounded, inner confidence. You feel strong and vulnerable at the same time, showing up with integrity and vitality.
If it is Blocked or Out of Balance: You may be bogged down by insecurity or stuck in feeling overwhelmed, unequipped, angry or resentful. You may feel unsure about what you are doing with your life or unmotivated to move forward.
Solar Plexus Affirmations to Support Opening: I am powerful. I feel good about who I am. I live with purpose. I easefully release any stored anger and resentment. I feel motivated to do what is mine to do.

Matters of the Heart
4th Chakra
Location: Middle of your chest (think: heart space)
Color Association: Green
When it is Open and Balanced: You embody expansive love for yourself and others - even those who may be challenging for others to love. You feel connected internally and externally to your family, community and world. It feels right and true to stop holding someone's humanity against them, and choose to see their essential goodness instead.
The Heart Chakra is a point in the body where physical energy bridges with spiritual energy (though physical and spiritual energy are throughout the entirety of your being), opening up the embodiment of unconditional love.
If it is Blocked or Out of Balance: You may struggle to be on either the giving or receiving side of love, kindness, friendship, compassion, or service. You may find it difficult to see past the pain you caused someone you love, or to see past the pain someone else caused you.
Heart Chakra Affirmations to Support Opening: I easefully give and receive love. I breathe in life with gratitude. I forgive myself and others. I embrace that which is life-giving.

Speak Your Kind
5th Chakra
Location: Throat
Color Association: Light Blue/Teal
When it is Open and Balanced: You express yourself clearly, powerfully and in a way that expands love and truth in the world. You mean what you say, you say what you mean, AND you are heard by others. Your expression is confident and steady, even when sharing tender and vulnerable content or setting a healthy boundary.
Inspired speech can arise from to convey powerful ideas that you may not have consciously thought about or logically processed before speaking.
If it is Blocked or Out of Balance: You may struggle to produce audible sound or have others hear you. You may feel physical constriction in your throat when you share vulnerably, or find it difficult to put words together to express what you want to say. You may feel misunderstood or that others just don't get you.
Throat Chakra Affirmations to Support Opening: I express myself clearly and confidently. I speak and I am heard. I have agency to make decisions and create healthy boundaries.

Be a Visionary
6th Chakra
Location: Between your eyes, in the middle of your forehead.
Color Association: Indigo
When it is Open and Balanced: You have clear vision and direction which informs your actions, words and next steps. You know that answers occur and understanding is revealed as you trust deep wisdom that rises up. Without attachment or agenda, you trust your intuition.
If it is Blocked or Out of Balance: You may struggle to trust your own knowing; feeling like the future is cloudy, overwhelming or that you are stuck and don't know how to move forward. You may resist other people's ideas when they are different from your own.
Third Eye Chakra Affirmations to Support Opening: I trust my intuition. I see with inner clarity and wisdom. I embody open-mindedness.

Connected to the Divine
7th Chakra
Location: Through the top of your head.
Color Association: Violet (some people also see golden or white light)
When it is Open and Balanced: You embody deep, expansive connection with that which is greater than we are, eternal life-givingness, Divine love and All Good.
If it is Blocked or Out of Balance: You may feel disconnected, separate or alone in the greater universe of existence. You may over compensate by theorizing and philosophizing everything or by being overly attached to material stuff.
Crown Chakra Affirmations to Support Opening: Divine Love and Light flow easefully through me. There is no separation between me and that which is greater than me. I breathe in the limitlessness and pure potentiality of life.
Reflection and Next Steps
I invite you to take some time to consciously reflect or journal on the following questions:
As you read through each chakra, what stood out to you?
What resonated in your heart, mind and body?
What did NOT resonate or land for you?
What do you notice that you are curious about now? What questions do you have?
What do YOU sense is a next step as it relates to your continued personal growth and transformation journey?
Lean in and trust what rises up!
With lots of love,
P.S. I would love to hear how this landed for you - please comment below or email me your thoughts!

Rachel Sartori is an Embodiment and Wholeness Coach. She is kick-ass and heart-centered whether she is showing up as a workshop/retreat facilitator, a private coach, a writer or a speaker. Rachel invites you to exercise your soul, and participate in the healing of your own heart and the world around you. With Rachel, all is welcome, all the time.
Read: Exercise Your Soul: Ignite Healing and Wholeness in your Life and Live from the Inside Out
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