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The Beauty of Becoming

March 28, 2022|Becoming, More Than Enough

We tend to see the "end" results of hard work: the final project, the launch, the debut, the published book, the piece of art. We hear the amazing speech, the presentation that knocked it out of the park, the concert of a lifetime. We taste culinary masterpieces and wonder how in the world we can ever make that at home... As if that is how our lives should look, sound and taste every moment of every day. How can we face our own imperfection with mercy and grace, so that we can see the beauty in our own becoming?


It is no secret that I love to have a microphone in my hand.

But to sing into the microphone?

No. Thank. You.

In the past, I have thoroughly enjoyed singing with a larger group. I felt most comfortable and confident when there was music to read and notes to follow. But the last time I did that was...over a decade ago!

In the very far reaches of my mind, thoughts have s l o w l y drifted in and out about what it might be like to find a group of humans who also read music and would like to sing together. These thoughts were lazy and lackadaisical, wandering about, not too particular about anything other than a faint curiosity to sing again.


Yes! wait... When a friend approached me, a few weeks ago, about singing with a small group for a church fundraiser, it was surprising how quickly those thoughts coalesced and said, "Yes! That is what we have been wanting for SO long!"

My yes was a quick reaction to an invitation that matched an internal, but not-fully-conscious desire. It was a true yes. I did want to sing with a group! And then reality caught up with me...

  • Because practice was tough for me to get to, and be at the full length of time the band met;

  • Because the songs were ones I knew existed, but didn't really know well, at all - least of all a solid harmony;

  • Because I haven't used my signing voice, with any regularity, since I was in choir in high school and college;

  • Because we didn't use published choral music with designated harmonies and parts;

  • Because...I felt exposed and vulnerable.

I remembered all the opportunities I've had to do karaoke and that I would rather do ANYTHING ELSE than sing the Greatest Hits of the 70s in front of a crowd. It was clear that while I do like to have a mic in my hand, this venture was outside my comfort zone.

And yet, I stuck with my yes. My once lackadaisical curiosity was solid and standing, not ready to go back into the ethers of my mind.


Becoming I knew it wasn't about perfection.

Rather, it was about allowing myself to be in the imperfection of life, in the becoming. We tend to see the "end" results of hard work: the final project, the launch, the debut, the published book, the piece of art.

We hear the amazing speech, the presentation that knocked it out of the park, the concert of a lifetime.

We taste culinary masterpieces and wonder how in the world we can ever make that at home...

The reality is that whether you follow Malcolm Gladwell's 10,000 hours to achieve mastery or Josh Kaufman's 20 hours, it takes practice. And "practice" implies something being done often, regularly, over time, with frequency.


Climb the Mountain You Are On Even what seems to be the end result, or the final project or concert of a life time, is still just a precursor of what is yet to come. Without worrying our pretty little heads about the big, BIG picture, we can see the mountain we are currently climbing and just keep taking one step at a time.

As for me, I showed up to practice to the best of my ability. I sang and found harmonies to the best of my ability. I listened to the songs again and again and again. Last night we sang. To a crowd. With mics in hand and on.

At times, I was on key. At other times I definitely wasn't. Sometimes I sang boldly. Other times I mumbled. I opted to sit down for the two songs I knew least...and then got back up. What is true is that we had fun; I had fun! Even the uncomfortable parts were a delight as I had the capacity to witness myself, my awkwardness and imperfection. I met myself with the grace and mercy that was available to me and the result was joy and delight.


Beauty Is There is beauty in svelte lines, crisp harmonies, perfectly blended color pallets and fine-tuned flavors. Absolutely. But that isn't the only beauty that life has to offer us. The invitation I received sounded like it was to be in a band. Really, it was an invitation to witness the beauty in my human imperfection and my continued becoming. I am so grateful I said yes.

Sending you so much love on your journey, Rachel


For Your Own Reflection: How are you being invited to witness the beauty in your human imperfection? What is the mountain you are climbing today? What is it like to offer yourself grace and mercy as you are inevitably in process?


Rachel Sartori is an Embodiment and Wholeness Coach. She is kick-ass and heart-centered whether she is showing up as a workshop/retreat facilitator, a private coach, a writer or a speaker. Rachel invites you to exercise your soul, and participate in the healing of your own heart and the world around you. With Rachel, all is welcome, all the time.

Read: Exercise Your Soul: Ignite Healing and Wholeness in your Life and Live from the Inside Out

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